Your Customers Need Your Air Machine!
- Auto Shop, Tire Shop & Auto Repair, Car Wash, Fleet, Car Dealership & Auto Rental, Gas Station / C-Store, Workplace & Residential

We have a question for you, is your business ready to provide a quick and precise tire inflation for your customers? The cold months are upon us and it’s the time of year when TPMS lights across America will light up because of a simple reason. For every 10° F drop in temperature, the tire pressure of a vehicle will fall between 1 and 2 PSI.
Due to this change of weather, you will see more customers coming to your business for tire inflations and checks. However, if you run a gas station, car wash, tire shop, or similar and you don’t offer a digital air inflation then you are missing out a big opportunity. Check out our solutions for pay and free air machines.
Robust and reliable, the SC09-SS features digital air inflation, stainless steel cabinet, coin and credit card payment, internal air compressor, vacuum and more.
Recommended for: Gas Stations and Car Wash.
- Increase Traffic
- Improve Customer Loyalty
- Sales Revenue (Excel Digital Air Machines are typically used 30%-45% more often than the competition’s machines.)
SC05-SS | Pay or Free Air Machine:
Dependable and recognizable air machine, the SC05-SS features digital air inflation, stainless steel cabinet, internal air compressor, vacuum, air illuminated sign and more.
Recommended for: Tire Shops, Gas Stations, Car Wash, Companies with Fleet, Auto Rental and more
- Increase Traffic
- Customer Satisfaction
- Improve Customer Loyalty
If you have questions, please contact us at (401) 732-8420 or send an email to .